Friday, June 20, 2008


Yeah!! Finally a second post for the month!!! I actually thought of something I could post about but I don't have pics...:(

I'm going to call this month "Red June". Why? You ask? Well, because all the projects that I have been working on in June are red!!

finished: Socks for georg

Still on the needles: golf cap for DH
sleeveless sweater for me
short socks for me

Maybe I will get some pictures for ya over the weekend.

Friday, June 6, 2008

1 per month

I guess I'm not being a very good blogger as I'm down to one post per month!!!!!!!

Here are pics of my "Flaming the Fan" socks. This is a class I took at Spin A Yarn last month.

I thought that since the pattern started at the toe, that I would learn how to knit a sock from the toe up. However, it was more a "modular" knitting class. So I feel like I got two classes out of one!! Lucky me!

Had my 39th birthday last month....... not so bad I guess. Only one more year in my thirties :(

I just don't feel like I am almost forty.

My baby girl (17) is graduating from high school tomorrow! Now that should make me feel old, but it doesn't. I'm glad she's becoming an adult. She's a wonderful girl and I enjoy watching her grow up!!

So there are my thoughts for today. Have a great weekend!