Thursday, November 5, 2009

All Hallows Eve.......

.... So here is my latest finished spinning project. I purchased 4/1 oz. batts from BohoKnitterChic (unable to link at this time) and she had a SAL (Spin a long) for the month of October. I finished this in the knick of time!!Even the batts were "smooth" because there were different types of fiber such as angelina, bamboo etc... I had a hard time spinning this thin. Which is what I wanted to do in order to make socks. It ended up being sort of a worsted weight, after plying, so I think I'm going to make a scarf. All of the SAL projects are being voted on in her group on Ravelry. I know I will not win, but I've got like 8 votes and I'm happy with that, but mostly I'm happy that I participated in a SAL and finished in the time I was given!!


bluemtnBeth said...

Sandi that yarn is gorgeous!! Good job :)

Sandi said...

Thank you Beth!!